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Special 2 Film Offer Exclusive DVD Combo
"A Place For Hope"
And Pre-order,
"Time For Redemption"
Our second film in our Renovation in Life Film Series to be released January 2025
Own Both Movies on DVD
$19 for both
(w/free shipping, get "A Place For Hope' for Christmas
and "Time For Redemption' in late January)
Time For Redemption
Pre-order now BOGO Dvd Combo
One to keep & One to share
Our second film in our Renovation in Life Film Series to be released with free shipping January 2025
As we move forward with the third film in our Renovation In Life Film Series called "Freedom Rains", we are assembling the funding and resources to prepare for filming for additional equipment, daily filming costs, cast and crew costs, and other expenses. We are a Non-Profit film company, called Freedom Rains Film, Inc that will allow us to reach out to sponsors and those who want to support these projects on a much larger scale. We are in the process of allocating the budget and preparing to cast as soon as the script is ready. Slated to start in early 2025, Steven Michael Hall and his amazing professional team will begin filming this powerful third film. "Freedom Rains" will tackle the subjects of human trafficking, online bullying and a strong salvation message focused on our prodigals.
Operation Freedom Rains is our plan to make and share these films with a large audience especially focusing on the youth and young adults who need these types of Christian filled stories to motivate them with these powerful messages of hope and faith. Our first film, "A Place For Hope" deals with the subjects of bullying, suicide and abortion issues and have already made an impact with those who have viewed it. Parents have reached out to us and shared how our film opened up the conversation to discussion what they believed kept their teens from committing suicide. "Time For Redemption", coming out in August, deals with the subjects of addiction, forgiveness, and purity in todays society. We know we can make a difference with these films and believe God has and will continue to open the doors and guided us on this journey. This is an amazing opportunity for you to invest your funds and resources into these projects that will truly make a difference. Order these films now to share with others.
Caretakers of God's resources can donate at this site or by contacting Steve directly at (863) 845-0618 (cell or text)
"A Place For Hope"
Blu Ray / DVD Combo
Special Price For Exclusive Blu-Ray / DVD Combo
Blu-ray has extras -Our Exclusive Trailer, Music video, Interviews, Bloopers, & more...
Special Combo Pack / Order now
($19.00 + free shipping)
Special Price For Exclusive Blu-Ray/DVD Combo
Time For Redemption
Pre Order Exclusive Blu-ray /DVD combo
Special combo of our second film to be released January 2025
w/free shipping
Renovations - A Place For Hope DVD
Renovations - A Place For Hope DVD
Official DVD for our feature film
Renovations - A Place For Hope
Get 4 DVD's Super Special With Free Shipping
One for you, & Three To Share with Others
Great Gifts, Great Message to Share
"A Place For Hope" follows the lives of three teens as they face challenges dealing with abortion, bullying and suicide. Our story shows how God intervenes with their lives to guide them to make the right choices. Nevaeh faces an unplanned pregnancy as she tries to decide what is best in her life as God moves people into her path to help her to make the right choice. Paul leads a group of bullies as they personally torment a classmate named Thomas. As things intensify, Thomas starts to fall apart and considers taking his own life. God moves across their paths to change their lives before it's too late. The powerful ending will touch people on a deep emotional level, will change lives and give people hope.
A Place For Hope
Time For Redemption
Freedom Rains (coming soon)
Renovation in life Film series By Steven Michael Hall (Director/Producer)
Freedom Rains Films / Steven Michael Hall Films
Lakeland, FL 33801
Any questions/Inquiries:
(863)845-0618 Call/Text
more info at: mesteveent.webs.com